What Can Businesses Do About Anti-Asian Hate?

Cheryl Y Leong
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Consult for businesses committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion around the rise of COVID-19 hate crimes and harassment.

1. Take a firm stand on Covid-19 Asian/Pacific Islander discrimination zero-tolerance policies. Make this a public announcement.

2. Emphasize the company’s stance on deracializing the coronavirus. Educate your staff on the American Medical Association’s statement about this.

3. Offer your employees resources to report and get help if they have experienced discrimination or harm. Give managers tools and guides on managing such reports.

4. Race-based trauma symptoms are mental health symptoms and emotional difficulties that can surface when experiencing racial trauma or secondary experiences from news reports/media. Ensure that the Employee Assistance Program has mental health providers that reflect the workplace’s diversity but who are also trained to work with such traumatic experiences. If this is not possible, reach out to local mental health resources that work with AAPI populations, have culturally competent programs, and provide this to employees who require emotional support.

5. Develop an understanding of why an AAPI employee may not make a report. Find ways to collect data for this. Only with data can we develop strategies to manage this gap.

6. Take extra care to understand the needs of API employees on work visas. A possible reason for not reporting harassment may have to do with fears of experiencing repercussions that affect their immigration status.

7. Your AAPI sales and customer service employees are at the highest risk of harassment or discrimination. Ensure that managers have tools to offer support and have the skills to de-escalate such situations.

For a deeper consult, webinar trainings: cheryl@leadingwithconsciousness.com

#diversityequityinclusion #iamnotavirus #stopasianhate

